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Madame Claude - Berlin



Live @Arnovivo - Pisa



Released May 18, 2023

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Live Projects

LBCC DGTL Audio+Video Live-set

LBCC DGTL is a continuously evolving project that starts from 2 assumptions, on one side creating a live-set of electronic music without the use of a computer and with a minimal setup and on the other side to have a video output that gives the sound a visual representation of what's happening in real time.

Currently the audio part includes a digital sampler / drum machine and a sequencer synthesizer in FM synthesis. The video part consists of an analog oscillator with inputs / triggers for the audio signal. The sounds produced by the sampler and synthesizer "drive" the analog video oscillator, creating a sort of waveform in black and white in continuous motion, perfectly synchronized with the audio part.

Due to its extreme simplicity of assembly and transport, the performance lends itself to being hosted even in small places and with a limited audience. All the materials necessary for the performance are brought on site by the musician except the audio system (see below for all the

technical details).

MareMuto [Live-set]

MareMuto [Liveset] is the crossing point and at the same time the “live” version of “Marefermo”, “Muta/Larva” and “4CQU4N3R4” the latest 3 works released by Simone Lalli respectively in 2020, 2021 e 2022. The intention is to use the live set format to conjugate all the different tracks in something more organic and unique. The ultimate goal is to bring the viewer/listener through a hypothetical journey starting from point A and ending to point B. The live set is also enriched with a visual representation of the sound, the audio source is sent through an analog oscillator, the result is a raw and unpredictable waveform that constantly changes in real time according to the tracks played by Simone. The overall duration of the set is about 60 minutes.

Photo: Francesca Barichello

Releases as “Simone Lalli”

KRANG EP - 4 Track - Digital

Every track is different, every track is a small piece of a short story I wanted to tell.

Another chapter of something that has begun in 2020 with "Marefermo" and now still continue with this "K R A N G EP".


released May 18, 2023

Recorded, produced and mixed by Simone Lalli.

Master ITB by Simone Lalli.

Streaming and download at the link below:

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"un viaggio attraverso le sonorità gelide e taglienti dell'IDM caratterizzate da incursioni cosmiche e ambient che rendono il tutto personale e interessante"

"captivating tracks that showcase his unique sonic approach"

"Simone Lalli Delivers Futuristic Ambient Techno From Italy"

"un suono da colonna sonora thriller futuristica per un ipotetico libro di Philip K. Dick"

"suoni corposi e cupi dove le atmosfere kosmische musik e dark ambient si alternano con precisione"

F:E:G [Fuoco e Ghiaccio] Single - Digital

F:E:G [fuoco e ghiaccio] is a song about duality, about the clash of opposite forces, but also a reflection on the fact that everything manifests itself at least with a double nature.


Recorded, produced and mixed by Simone Lalli.

Master ITB by Simone Lalli.

Released as a single track on August 18, 2022.

Streaming and download at the link below:

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4CQU4N3R4 - Single - Digital

4CQU4N3R4 has been release as a single track.


Recorded, produced and mixed by Simone Lalli.

Master ITB by Simone Lalli.

Release on May 6, 2022 as a single track.

Streaming and download at the link below:

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Muta/Larva - 2 Track Ep - Digital

This EP is self-released on Simone’s bandcamp page, in cooperation with AOR (Ammiratore Omonimo Records), the unconventional music label from the band vonneumann. This collaboration consolidates a partnership that will come to life with the release of the full album.


All tracks are composed, performed and mixed by Simone Lalli.

Mastering by Taylor Deupree at 12k Mastering (New York City)

Cover by Fabio Ricci and Simone Lalli

Streaming and download at the link below:

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The Noise Beneath The Snow

"The first thing that is striking about this release is the pristine production. So, if the artist takes his time with the intricacies of composition in the same respect, we should be in for a good EP".

SBComunicazione - Trippa Shake reviews

"Mi aveva positivamente colpito l’ascolto del suo “Marefermo”, EP uscito nel 2020 e anche questa nuovo lavoro “Muta / Larva” (due titoli alquanto azzeccati…), fa capire che Simone Lalli ha raggiunto una sua identità sonora senza dubbio riconoscibile. Due tracce che si muovono anche questa volta nei territori dei suoni sintetici artificiali, IDM con pattern ritmici matematicamente intersecati".


"Simone Lalli mostra il suo lato migliore sperimentando nuove soluzioni: Muta/Larva segna un notevole passo in avanti per la carriera artistica del musicista Toscano"


"Muta, con la sua commistione di sequenze ritmiche impervie e una cristallina attitudine melodica ci riporta prepotentemente alle atmosfere dominanti di “Marefermo”. IDM dalla dinamica incalzante e una strutturazione ossessiva della trama, elementi che accostano il suono di Lalli alle produzioni di Warp e Noton-Raster, sono ancora gli elementi base. A questi si aggiunge appunto il calore delle risonanze armoniche, che in “Larva” vengono sostituite da frequenze plumbee, asfissianti e misurati inserti noise, aggettivazione di un orizzonte sonoro parzialmente inedito. Un’esplorazione cosmica minuziosamente programmata diretta verso fondali ancor più profondi ed oscuri".

Threshold Magazine

"Depois de gravar sob o alter-ego Autobam, foi em nome próprio que Simone Lalli começou a chamar a atenção em março passado com a edição de Marefermo (2020), EP de 4 faixas que remodelava uma vasta paisagem da música eletrónica, cruzando fronteiras entre géneros como o industrial, glitch, IDM e neoclássico. Agora, na mesma linha estética o produtor regressa às edições com Muta/Larva, single duplo, que consolida e alarga o caminho já anteriormente trilhado, perspetivando o seu nome no panorama".

Marefermo - 4 Track Ep - Digital

Marefermo EP can easily be placed very close to IDM and industrial music, but beyond these strong influences, what emerges is a work with its own distinctive sound. Even though Marefermo lies outside the music genre schemes, it fits into the vast sound universe of the contemporary electronic music scene."


All tracks are written, performed and mixed by Simone Lalli.

Mastering at Dadub Studio (Berlin) by Daniele Antezza.

Streaming and download at the link below:

Bandcamp Is an American Online Music Company
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Obsküre Digital Media

Fini Autobam, première incarnation électronique du musicien de Livourne. Simone Lalli récupère son patronyme et nous propose un EP quatre titres de bonne facture. Tension palpable durant ces dix-huit minutes, l’univers cauchemardesque de John Carpenter n’est jamais loin. Lalli est un designer sonore reconnu qui a su forger son style tout au long de ces deux dernières décennies. Ses influences viennent d’une lointaine IDM, des scènes glitch ou indus, mais sans rentrer dans le jeu des tags, on perçoit nettement un son crasseux, angoissant, à la violence contenue. Quelques éléments drum’n’bass ("Stella verticale") nous confortent dans cette impression de comater fiévreux dans un hangar poisseux au milieu d’une rave sauvage, où les sourires ne sont en fait que des grincements de dents.

Artnoir Musik Magazine

Vier Tracks bietet „Marefermo“, in denen der Musiker und Sounddesigner Türen in Räumlichkeiten öffnet, die ohne gewisse Abhärtung nicht unbedingt betreten werden sollen. Karg und scharfkantig sind die Takte, Harmonien werden unterdrückt, die Synthesizer müssen sich immer wieder mit den Beats anlegen. Lebensfeindlich kann die Musik von Simone Lalli wirken, maschinell und brutal wie in den Kellern von Berlin – aber es macht Freude. Wie Impulse zucken die Tracks durch den Körper und aktivieren Glieder und Geist.

Threshold Magazine

"Desta estreia destaque para faixas como "Aurora" - que inicia Marefermo numa eletrónica vigorosa ainda assim inserida dentro do cenário downtempo -; "Sopra Sotto" - um exercício de som que se foca na inserção de estruturas em repetição e onde se encontra bem vincada a vontade de Simone Lalli em modular a sua própria palete de sons dentro dos géneros anteriormente referidos - e ainda o poderoso "Stella Verticale" que dá por finalizado o disco entre tonalidades mecânicas e nostálgicas."


"Musica cosmica e matematica, rigorosa ed immaginifica, perfetta per un rave isolazionista o per una sonorizzazione di un documentario su creature che ancora non esistono; venti minuti scarsi come quattro pillole blu per immaginare fughe verso altre galassie."


"Tra progressioni accattivanti ed ossessive strutture circolari, i quattro capitoli di questo rapida escursione attraverso oscuri panorami risonanti, saturi di echi cosmici, costruiscono un fervido immaginario pulsante dal quale lasciarsi trasportare verso mondi futuribili da esplorare."

"Le sonorità spaziano dalle timbriche elettroniche IDM ai suoni plumbei e martellanti di certo industrial che mi hanno ricordato sia gli Autechre (per le strutture architettoniche dei brani, astratti e particolarmente complessi) e a tratti anche i suoni cupi e monolitici di casa Pan Sonic (si veda il brano "Aurora"), e perchè no, alcuni progetti della scena elettronica tedesca. Ma c'è spazio anche per una certa melodia (asettica) nei suoni digitali del suo lavoro. Viaggi siderali come lunghe colonne sonore scandite da una ritmica a pattern matematico analogico un po a la Clock DVA, ma che si evolvono con aperture liquido cosmiche con tonalità e luminescenze malinconiche ("Stella Verticale")."


Cosa possiamo immaginare dal titolo “Marefermo” se non un perfetto ossimoro di questo significato? Chi di noi può provare ad immaginare l’arrestarsi dei flutti e delle correnti di quel corpo che, per natura, non si sottrae mai al movimento? E proprio in contrasto con questo i suoni pulsanti del disco non ci raccontano altro che azione e frenesia. Insomma “Marefermo” è un prodotto che racchiude dentro di se molti simboli ed immaginari interessanti. Un EP che stimola la fantasia a vagare nei dintorni di mondi possibili.


"Nell'attesa che il tempo si apra questa pioggia aspra a noi sta benissimo."

Releases as “Autobam”

Quayola - Sounds from Strata Series - 2x LP - Vinyl


01 Strata 1 - Autobam

02 Strata 2 - Mira Calix & Autobam

03 Strata 3 - Plaid

04 Strata 4 - Matthias Kispert

05 Matter - Matthias Kispert

06 Topologies - Matthias Kispert

Autobam - Slave Labor - EP - Digital


01 You Fall I Fall

02 Machine Talk

03 In My Blood

04 Bones And Dreams

05 Down Into

06 Memo Encoding

Autobam - Ci piace ballare sotto le bombe - Single - Digital


01 Ci piace ballare sotto le bombe

Already released for free in a compilation by Incosapevole Records (Italian Indie Label).

Then re-released as a single track via Bandcamp.

Autobam - Panorama EP - Digital


01 Lunar A

02 Spore

03 Cosmobeat 1

04 Panorama

Autobam - Quasi Satellite - Album - Cdr Limited


01 Impuls I

02 Telemetry

03 Object Shuko

04 Quasi Satellite

05 Transit Nebula

06 Navi System

07 Parallax

08 Wave

Autobam - Atmo - EP - Cdr Limited


01 Trajectory

02 Atmo

03 Voyager

04 And or-bit

05 Terminal City

Arranger - Producer - Remixer

Giullare di corte - Ferruccio.wav - (Programming/Production)

Farfalle - Blodi Mery - (Programming/Production)

Xenopolis - Iran Band - Aagoo Records - (Remix)

Das Kleine SchwarzGerät - Vonneumann - (Remix)

Cob Swan Race - Farglow - diNotte Records - (Remix)

TPFS - Nazeem - Spettro Records - (Remix)

Nothing can tear it apart - L'Altra - Saint Marie Records - (Remix)

Fa Ridere - Numero 6 - Urtovox Records - (Remix)

Dawn Ode - Bad Love Experience - Black Candy Records - (Programming)​

Hot Star, Bancone, Rosso e Blu - The Casanovas - Ice For Everyone - (Programming)​

Atlante - Lemeleagre - Mahogany - (Programming)

Like Petals - Saint Lips - Bagana Records - (Programming)

A-100 - Comfort - 482 Music - (Programming)​

Blum and Animal Rainbow - Metuo - Black Candy Records - (Programming​)

Fly Chinese - Caboto - Afe Records - (Remix)

Music and Sound for Art and ADV

Besides my own music production, I also work as composer and sound designer in collaboration with a vast array of visual artists, graphic designer and studios for videos, A/V site-specific installations, wall-mapping, short movies, etc. Through these collaborations I'm featured in a number of high profile international digital and electronic art festivals and events around the world. Aside from this more artistic productions, I'm also work with commercial studio agencies to produce advertising, campaigns, branding, for web and TV. Among my clients: Nike Europe, Asics, Ferragamo, Gucci, General Electric, Deutsche Welle TV, Despar and more.

See every single projects for details, thanks!

About SL

After having released music under the alias Autobam, I definitively leave my previous moniker and started to sign my productions simply with my birth name. On March 2020 I decided to released “Marefermo” 4-track EP, that I like to consider my first step in this new path. Marefermo was followed by “Muta/Larva” a 2-track EP in 2021. During the 2022 “4CQU4N3R4” and “F:E:G [Fuoco e Ghiaccio]” has been released as a single track. Most recently On May 18 2023, I released “KRANG EP”.

All the releases has been distributed digitally through my Bandcamp page and other major music streaming platforms.

Photo: Francesca Barichello